The Post

Handy microchips give Jedi powers


‘‘Phone, keys, wallet.’’

It’s a mantra repeated by commuters the world over. Not so for futurist and entreprene­ur Shanti Korporaal.

Hers is different, something like ‘‘phone, hand, other hand.’’

The 27-year-old Australian beat the system – no more self patdowns and misplaced keys – with two jabs of a needle.

The twin microchips implanted in the webbing of her left and right hands are keys and wallet, compressed into glass capsules the size of rice grains. (She’ll have to wait a little longer to embed a smartphone.)

‘‘I grew up watching Star Wars,’’ Korporaal said. The mystical powers of the Force made a lasting impression.

Now, like a Jedi, she has the power to wave through doors that the rest of us would need to open by key fob.

To those of us who do not have microchips under our skin, such technologi­cal convenienc­es may seem alien or at least a little perplexing.

To the small but growing community called biohackers – which has existed, in some form, since the 1980s – it is simply another step in the very long history of human selfimprov­ement.

To Korporaal’s friends, the chips are a source of chummy envy. Most reactions are ‘‘either curious or jealous’’, she said. ‘‘I can open doors without a key and they can’t.’’

Through her companies, including Future Sumo and Chip My Life, Korporaal and her husband, fellow futurist Skeeve Stevens, aim to make the implantabl­e tech more widely available.

Thanks to the RFID chip embedded in one hand, Korporaal can unlock her office’s garage with a back-handed bump to a scanner as she zips into work on her Vespa.

On the other hand in the same spot, the fleshy space between her thumb and forefinger, sits a nearfield communicat­ion chip that stores her health and contact data.

She can feel a chip’s hard lump if she probes with a finger; otherwise, she’s used to them by now.

The chips are injected. A doctor implanted the chips into Korporaal’s hands in May, though perhaps the person most famous for the procedure is a profession­al body piercer named Amal Graafstra.

During his career, Graafstra has embedded chips into some 1200 hands, Korporaal said. ‘‘It’s a really simple, two-second procedure,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s in-and-out, in terms of the needle.’’

Though the needle bore has to be large enough to inject the chips, a little local anesthetic goes a long way.

The worst part, Korporaal said, wasn’t the procedure but the recovery process that kept her away from lifting at the gym for two weeks.

‘‘Some people view the body as a sacred temple,’’ Graafstra said in 2012. ‘‘Some view it as a sports utility vehicle they can upgrade. I’m definitely in the second category.’’

After the implant, setting up her Jedi abilities took little more than a Samsung smart lock, which runs a few hundred dollars, and cloning the RFID in her work keycard to her microchip.

RFID technology itself is fairly mundane – it works passively, similar to a barcode, requiring no internal energy source. (If your pet is microchipp­ed, that’s an RFID chip).

The NFC chip in Korporaal’s other hand, likewise, is of the same type used in Apple Pay systems. The goal with that chip, she said, is to use her hand like a wallet.

For all the science-fictional and futuristic inspiratio­n behind biohacking, Korporaal sees mainstream parallels everywhere.

Take dieting. ‘‘You’re literally making small incrementa­l tweaks to your body over time,’’ she said, ‘‘using data from responses to your body to affect change.’’ But where pacemakers, artificial knees and IUDs have one job, implanted microchips are flexible.

They can also be entertaini­ng. Korporaal recently programmed the NFC chip to activate her smartphone, summoning a video from YouTube.

The flick in question? A trailer for the new video game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, set during a near-future war in which humanity is split against mechanical­ly-augmented people. Washington Post

 ??  ?? Shanti Korporaal has the power to wave through doors that the rest of us would need to open by key fob.
Shanti Korporaal has the power to wave through doors that the rest of us would need to open by key fob.

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