The Post

Man arrested over stabbing


A man who was stabbed stood in the middle of a street with a bloodied face and clothes, a witness said.

She saw the man standing on Morgan Pl in the Wellington suburb of Tawa shortly after 4pm yesterday.

Police have arrested one man, and a 30-year-old man was taken to Wellington Hospital in a serious condition.

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said she went outside about 4pm after hearing dogs barking.

When she got outside she saw a man who had been stabbed, standing in the middle of the street with a bloodied face and clothes.

The blood made it unclear where he had been stabbed or how severe his wounds were, she said. ‘‘He was covered in it; he was covered in blood.’’

She said the alleged offender was also on the street. She called emergency services.

Police arrested the alleged offender when they arrived and ambulance staff treated the man with stab wounds. ‘‘It was really scary.’’ The neighbour, who had lived in the area for about eight years, said she believed the men were associated with a Housing New Zealand-owned home on the street.

There had been a number of incidents at the house and neighbours had made repeated complaints to Housing New Zealand.

‘‘They’ve been trouble for about 20 years ... The one house ruins the whole street.’’

The woman, who has children, said there were a lot of young families in the area who were worried for their children’s safety.

As well as violent incidents in the area, there were often aggressive-looking dogs roaming the streets and driveways. ‘‘It’s just not safe enough to have them playing,’’ she said.

Neighbour Gordon Mygind said he heard sirens and dogs barking as he watched television.

‘‘I looked out my window and saw a police car parked across my driveway, then I saw more cars turn up.

‘‘They all went into the house across the street.

‘‘I saw a towel on the grassway which was soaked in blood, and police tape over the driveway.’’

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