The Post

Colleagues did not see alleged kiss


Medical profession­als in the room where an indecent kiss is alleged to have happened between a patient and another profession­al have told a court they saw and heard nothing.

A male medical profession­al is charged with indecent assault, after the patient accused him of giving her an unwanted kiss on the cheek while she waited at Wellington Hospital for a surgical procedure in January 2015.

The complainan­t told a Wellington District Court jury on Tuesday that she was in hospital for a procedure that involved having a camera inserted in her rectum. She said the man, whose name and occupation are suppressed, made inappropri­ate comments to her.

She also said he kissed her cheek and said she was lovely.

Yesterday, one of the other profession­als who was there said she did not remember seeing anything like a kiss, and did not hear any inappropri­ate comments.

She was aware the patient was experienci­ng discomfort. She said it would be normal for the patient to be comforted, sometimes by touching them if they were in distress.

Another profession­al was called into the room during the procedure to help and did not see or hear anything. She did not know if the man touched the patient, however it was not unusual for them to comfort patients by holding their hands or stroking an arm or a shoulder.

She said the woman was very distressed and saying she wanted the procedure to end, and that it hurt.

The last medical witness is expected to give evidence today.

The trial is expected tomorrow. to finish

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