The Post

Court gives May a Brexit quandary


BRITAIN: British Prime Minister Theresa May is battling a rebellion from her own MPs that threatens to complicate her talks over leaving the European Union.

Emboldened by the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to hand Parliament more power over the Brexit process, at least six Conservati­ve legislator­s are uniting with the main opposition Labour Party to demand that May publish an official government document detailing her negotiatin­g goals.

Their aim is to subject May to the greater parliament­ary scrutiny and accountabi­lity she sought to avoid, ensuring they can better hold her to promises such as her pledge to deliver a sweeping postBrexit trade deal with the EU.

A so-called white paper could limit her room to manoeuvre in the talks even if lawmakers prove unable to use their new-found strength to soften her strategy.

‘‘I would like a white paper that we could debate,’’ Anna Soubry, the Tory former business minister, said in Parliament, arguing that such a move would bridge the divide between May and her critics.

‘‘The reality is that we have abandoned the single market and the free movement of people without any debate in this place, never mind a vote.’’

The uprising came hours after the Supreme Court ruled that Parliament and not the prime minister carries the power to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which sets the clock ticking on two years of debate with the EU.

The government, which still intends to trigger the talks by March 31, must now introduce a bill to Parliament with reports suggesting the legislatio­n could come this week.

May’s critics will try to amend the bill with the intention of diluting her plans or exerting some future control over her.

‘‘The prime minister was wrong to attempt to sideline Parliament,’’ Labour’s Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said.

‘‘The stakes are high and the role of this House in holding the prime minister and the government to account throughout this process is crucial.’’

With May having a slim working majority in the Commons of just 16, it would take only a small rebellion from her own side for her to lose a vote on the issue.

Starmer said he would try to rewrite the bill to force the publishing of a formal plan. He also wanted to require May to report back to lawmakers regularly and to give them a meaningful, binding vote on the final deal she strikes with the EU.

’’We will be seeking to lay amendments to ensure proper scrutiny and accountabi­lity throughout the process. That starts with a white paper, or plan.’’

In December, Parliament voted to force May to publish a plan for Brexit before triggering Article 50, in a motion that also endorsed her timetable for pulling the trigger by the end of March. Brexit Secretary David Davis suggested such a plan would be unveiled in February.

Despite these commitment­s, Davis yesterday rejected calls for a written Brexit plan.

He said he would bring forward a short and ‘‘simple’’ bill, indicating he would not welcome attempts to amend the legislatio­n. He said he hoped lawmakers from all parties would pass the act of Parliament ‘‘swiftly’’.

During yesterday’s debate, 14 MPs explicitly called for a white paper. Of the six Tories to do so, five were former ministers including Soubry, Nicky Morgan and Dominic Grieve.

‘‘While today’s majority ruling will not change the UK’s decision to leave the EU or say what our future relationsh­ip with Europe might look like, what it does do is strongly underline the absolute sovereignt­y of Parliament,’’ Ros Kellaway, head of EU competitio­n and regulation at law firm Eversheds, said. – TNS

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? A man holds a European Union flag outside the Supreme Court in Parliament Square, central London.
PHOTO: REUTERS A man holds a European Union flag outside the Supreme Court in Parliament Square, central London.

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