The Post

Hunt hits out at rival again


There is still some way to go before Brock Lesnar returns to the UFC but Mark Hunt would not be surprised if they rolled out the red carpet for the convicted doper.

The drums have been beating over Lesnar’s potential return to mixed martial arts for the last two weeks.

First of all, the UFC was forced to deny the profession­al wrestling star had re-enrolled in the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) drug testing pool.

The speculatio­n then went into overdrive when ahead of his grudge match against Daniel Cormier this weekend, former lightheavy­weight champion Jon Jones said he would love fight Lesnar.

To which Lesnar told the Associated Press: ‘‘Would I fight Jon Jones? Anytime, anywhere.’’

Hunt has waged a war on doping since it was revealed Lesnar failed multiple drug tests prior to their bout last July and has filed a civil lawsuit against him and the UFC, accusing them of willfully circumvent­ing the system.

The ‘Super Samoan’ said they were not far from the discovery phase and talk about a Lesnar comeback has only left him more determined to continue his fight outside the octagon.

‘‘That’s why we’re going to court, because of people like this coming in and cheating,’’ said Hunt, who recently released an updated edition of his biography Born to Fight, which details the events of the Lesnar bout and his ensuing battle with the UFC.

‘‘I won’t be surprised whatever they do, look what’s happened so far. It’s just a joke these days with cheaters all over the place.

‘‘It’s the best cheater that gets away with it wins and that’s the worst thing about this whole scenario.’’

Hunt lost to Lesnar at UFC 200 that was changed to a no-contest following the American’s doping violation.

Lesnar was suspended for a year which, while originally set to expire this month, was frozen after he notified the UFC and USADA of his retirement form MMA in February.

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