The Post

Manus Island sex crimes alleged


A group of Manus Island asylum seekers are luring underage girls as young as 10 into sex, an Australian Government intelligen­ce report claims.

The Australian Government has confirmed the accuracy of the diplomatic cable, obtained by The Australian Financial Review and Stuff.

However, the timing of the leak suggests rising levels of frustratio­n within the Australian Government that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was putting undue pressure on a domestic Australian policy issue.

It’s prompted questions on this side of the Tasman, over whether there were concerted efforts from Australia’s Malcolm Turnbull-led Government to force Ardern to back down on a strong stance that Australia should accept an invitation to resettle 150 people seeking asylum in New Zealand.

Intelligen­ce advice to the Australian Government, sent in early October, details claims of shocking behaviour by some asylum-seekers squatting in the now-closed Australian centre on Manus


‘‘In addition to broader allegation­s of drug taking and dealing (Marijuana), there were overarchin­g community concerns regarding allegation­s that some residents were engaged in sexual activities with underage girls,’’ the report states.

The report was concerned male camp residents were travelling into the community to procure sex with underage girls.

It states ‘‘some residents were renting rooms throughout Lorengau and luring underage girls between 10 and 17 years of age, with money, goods and food’’.

While the report states police were unable to investigat­e the claims as they had not been reported, the local provincial health authority had written to the provincial police commander, expressing concern.

It was worried about ‘‘increased interactio­n between the residents and the young girls from a health perspectiv­e, saying they had seen an increase in sexually-transmitte­d infections and HIV’’.

Ardern has been increasing­ly insistent Australia should let New Zealand take some of the 600 asylum-seekers remaining on Manus Island. It is understood the Turnbull government is furious with what it views as Ardern’s ‘‘moral posturing and naivety’’ on the matter.

‘‘The smugglers are watching every interactio­n between government­s in the region on this issue and looking for a chance to restart their businesses,’’ one senior Australian source said. ‘‘They observe the statements of new leaders very closely and if they see a sign of policies shifting or changing, they take advantage of that.’’

An Australian Government spokesman declined to comment.

Ardern’s office said ‘‘the relationsh­ip with Australia is strong’’.

‘‘The offer to take 150 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru remains on the table but clearly it’s up to Australia.

‘‘In event the offer is accepted, all refugees will undergo comprehens­ive screening and assessment processes. That includes credibilit­y and risk assessment­s and security checks. Refugees who do not meet New Zealand’s relevant immigratio­n policies, security and biometric checks and risk and health assessment are declined.’’

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