The Post



Gareth Morgan needs to have a heart and pull his claws in, or he’ll be up the creek with Paddles. Despite the hazards, cats , like chickens, sometimes cross the road.

Sunny Amey, Paeka¯ka¯riki

With the widespread focus on single-use plastic-bag pollution and how to stop it, it’s depressing how often I hear the question: ‘‘Would you like a plastic bag?’’ just as I am about to depart the shop counter, obviously quite happy without one. Christina Mitchell, Aro Valley

A grammatica­l gaffe from the least likely source: the president of the Secondary Schools Principals Associatio­n bemoaning the misuse of funds on half-empty classrooms. Dear, dear, half of nothing?

Stokes Valley Re China runway deal covers tourism (Nov 14). By another name, "state corporatis­ation" with generous ratepayer subsidies. John Bent, Palmerston North

So, National’s justice spokeswoma­n, Amy Adams, has told Andrew Little that his decision to inflation adjust Teina Pora’s compensati­on payment will open the floodgates to others who may be similarly affected. I take it her reasoning for National’s stance to deny the extra compensati­on was: Never mind the legalities of the matter, as they are only prisoners. Mike Jarvis, Paraparaum­u

‘‘The hands that fails to halt the knife are stained with the same blood as the hand that holds the knife". This applies to the people who stood by and did nothing for five years for the teenage girl who was abused. It seems the children knew better. Sue Fairbrass, Totara Park

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is quite keen to give asylum to boat people rotting in PNG camps. Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull is not. He has other problems, like that many MPs have dual nationalit­y issues. Ideally he would like to see some opposition MPs out of Australia. Ardern should make an offer Turnbull cannot refuse – asylum to some Labour dual-nationalit­y MPs. Turnbull will jump at it.

Pradip Manchanda, Churton Park

Let’s Get Wellington Moving has put some options out for consultati­on. Let’s be honest, the Wellington public have no real say in this, it will be decided by the eight "all progress is bad, why change anything, I hate cars" team based in Mt Vic who make all the decisions for Wellington. I will make a guess at their decision – No change!

Steve Dransfield, Karori

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