The Post

Silly cycleways


Good on the Island Bay residents for having a protest march about the council’s silly cycleway in Island Bay. We should organise a similar protest march in Miramar and invite the mayor to participat­e in a debate about cycleways proposed in Miramar, Kilbirnie and Evans Bay.

One only has to visit the Miramar Wharf area to see the silly constructi­on currently in progress, where the road and footpath are being converted to three different levels to accommodat­e cyclists. This arrangemen­t is proposed in various areas around the city.

Council proposals for cycleways in Miramar, Kilbirnie and Evans Bay were recently displayed on large-scale charts at the ASB Centre in Kilbirnie. On speaking to council officers in attendance and the consultant­s advising them, I gained the impression that they all believed that if they built safe cycleways throughout the city people would exchange their cars for bicycles. I do not believe this will happen.

Residents probably don’t mind the introducti­on of cycleways with the painting of white lines on roadways or footpaths, but the council’s proposals to change road and footpath levels to accommodat­e cyclists is far too disruptive and far too costly to change later when the need arises.

Let’s see common sense prevail and have no more silly cycleways in Wellington.


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