The Post

Bogan Chopper is bound to be a king hit


A fake moustache, a pair of aviators and some drawn-on tattoos are all comedian Heath Franklin needs.

The Australian comedian – better known as the mustachioe­d Chopper – is hitting Wellington this weekend for his latest show, Bogan Jesus.

Chopper is here to revamp the Ten Commandmen­ts. But before Franklin became Chopper, he found a path to comedy through his university’s drama society.

In the early 2000s his friends were quoting Austin Powers but Franklin was quoting

Chopper – a film chroniclin­g the life of legendary Australian criminal Mark ‘‘Chopper’’ Read.

The real Chopper died in 2013 of liver cancer but between ages 20 and 38 he spent most of his time in jail on charges including armed robbery.

He famously got another prisoner to cut off his ears while in jail. Later in life, he wrote an autobiogra­phy and crime novels.

‘‘I never really specifical­ly intended to do [the character Chopper]. But I used to watch the movie with Eric Bana in it, and any movie you’ve watched 70 times, you start quoting it,’’ he said.

Taking on Chopper as a character was a natural move from there. ‘‘I think it would have been weird if I sat down and went ‘I’m going to learn how to be Chopper’.’’

Franklin has been on the road since January, hitting both Australian and New Zealand festivals. ‘‘I try to write with both Australia and New Zealand audiences in mind when I’m making the shows. It’s just making sure you get the references right.’’

Sometimes that was as simple as referring to The Warehouse rather than Australian department store Big W during his act.

❚ Bogan Jesus’ nationwide tour started in Tauranga and will be staged at Wellington’s Opera House tomorrow.

 ??  ?? Visiting comedian Heath Franklin has seen the movie Chopper, about the legendary Australian criminal, 70 times.
Visiting comedian Heath Franklin has seen the movie Chopper, about the legendary Australian criminal, 70 times.

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