The Post

University name change


Victoria University of Wellington has a proud history, and the name has a strong emotional attachment. Don’t lose all that because of confusion with other Victoria Universiti­es. A minor adaption by the addition of ‘‘NZ’’ would solve the problem. Rename it ‘‘Victoria University NZ’’ or ‘‘Victoria NZ University’’.

Midge Janssen, Palmerston North

Apparently there are 850 potential students who cannot understand where ‘‘Victoria University of Wellington’’ is, but ‘‘Wellington University’’ will make it clear to them. I suppose these must be rich students, because it is hard to see what else they could bring to the university.

Tony Hurst, Wilton

Far be it from me to suggest that the VUW Council spend even more money on its misguided efforts to rob Wellington of the name "Vic".

However, it is clear there will be an applicatio­n for a judicial review in the High Court regarding any decision of the council if it decides to continue in the wrong direction.

The council’s proposed timetable is already extremely tight so why doesn’t it get on with it and iself seek a declarator­y judgment that its attempts at ‘‘consultati­on’’ are adequate and its proposal can withstand legal scrutiny?

I would be happier to help with a small payment for this legal process than make a larger payment for a process which will be rather late in the day.

Michael Gibson, Northland

As someone who is not averse to a name change for the university, I would nonetheles­s welcome the university website making it easy to access debate on the proposal. That would confirm that a critical part of any university’s reputation – a commitment to vigorous and well-informed debate – remained intact.

Malcolm McKinnon, Mt Victoria

As an academic at Victoria since 2001 I understand people have a strong emotional attachment to the name.

But as someone who presents research and interacts with faculty and students globally routinely I also understand how the current name confuses. I have met prize-winning geographer­s who think we are the university of the state to the south of New South Wales. At a recent geography conference in the US, two people with PhDs thought we were located in Canada.

Wellington as a name also has profund historic connotatio­ns but it is now more readily associated with the vibrancy and colour of our little global city. Let’s say it loud and proud.

Professor Warwick Murray, Geography, VUW

Shame on you, Sanitarium

I’m boycotting Sanitarium food ( ‘British’ shops counter-claiming against Sanitarium, July 31). This is a huge multimilli­on-dollar outfit going after a couple of specialist shops who sell the odd treat to Brits like me, who are not confused at all. It is the action of a bully, not befitting of a religious-based organisati­on. Ever heard of David and Goliath? Shame on you, Sanitarium.

Mike Dickens, Tawa

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