The Post

Capital chatter



It’s really hard in Wellington to tell what’s a drone and what’s a seagull that just can’t cope with the wind.


Ah, I see you’ve met my friend, Welly, on a good day.


Someone needs to put a Mario Kart graffiti on the Cuba St rainbow road.


Turning on the sprinklers at midday in the middle of Lambton Quay is one way to stop people jay walking.


Woman in lift: Where did you get your beverage? Man in lift: McDonald’s. Whole lift: *sympatheti­c noises* #wellington­coffeesnob­s I have no love for McDonald’s, but his rueful expression and their disapprova­l was Welly to the Max.


The rich cooking smells wafting from the Islamic Centre in Kilbirnie this Sunday morning were more beautiful and delicious than any food you can eat in a restaurant in Wellington I am pretty sure, wow.


It’s not Courtenay Place on a Saturday night unless you hear Nelly’s Hot In Here blasting out of at least one club on full volume.


Anywayssss this weather in Wellington heh . . . can’t beat it.

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