The Post

15 mins of fame


This summer, the Dominion Post hit the streets to ask people a series of random questions for our 15 Minutes of Fame project: from ‘Where’s your favourite place for coffee?’, to ‘What do you think of Donald Trump?’ Today we spoke to Micaela Jacobs, a 20-year-old chiropract­ic student from New Plymouth.

What superpower would you NOT want? Why?

Mind reading, because there’s just some stuff you don’t need to know. Ignorance can be bliss.

You just became a member of the Spice Girls – what’s your Spice name and why?

I think I’d be Posh Spice. I’d want to be posh.

If you retrained for a different career – to what and why?

I think I’d love to be a musician.

You have a private show by any musician or band – who and why?

I love John Mayer but I don’t know if that would be it – actually, Stevie Wonder. He’s blind, he’s amazing, that’d be so amazing to see live.

You’re PM – what aspect of life, currently paid for, do you make free for all Kiwis?

It’s a toss-up between healthcare and education. Healthcare, it goes to every level of class and everyone would benefit from it. Same for education. It would just boost our economy and it would be amazing.

You win $10 million on Lotto. What do you spend it on?

I’d buy a house. Then I’d buy another house as a good financial thing to do, then I’d just go travelling.

If you could give your 16-year-old self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Be a good steward of what you have. And by that I mean making the most of the money you have, the resources you have. Take good care of it.

Where’s the best coffee in your region?

This is such a controvers­ial question for Wellington but from the cafes I have been to, I would say for money and for taste value, Raglan Roast. It’s cheap and it’s really good coffee.

The last time I cried was when . . .?

It was with my parents at my graduation [this year].

I can’t leave the house without . . .?

My keys. Can’t get back into the house.

 ?? ELEANOR WENMAN/STUFF ?? Chiropract­ic student Micaela Jacobs steps up to the plate and considers what she’d spend $10 million on.
ELEANOR WENMAN/STUFF Chiropract­ic student Micaela Jacobs steps up to the plate and considers what she’d spend $10 million on.
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