The Post

The elephant in the room


Despite the increasing noise and thus awareness of the climate crisis, it feels as if everyone is doing all they can to avoid talking about the 7.5 billion pound elephant in the room; the exponentia­lly increasing human population.

Without having to draw a very long bow, surely this inescapabl­e fact is the beginning, middle and end of our seemingly insurmount­able problems. More people mean more land cleared for more food production, more mining, more energy consumptio­n and more housing.

Yes, we need to find alternativ­e sources of energy, more efficient means of food production, and to reduce, if not eliminate, our waste. But surely if population expansion slowed then demand for resources would follow.

How is it that there are constant conversati­ons regarding the humaninduc­ed threat to the environmen­t, yet noone seems to talk about the wholesale reduction of demand for these finite and very fragile resources.

When such a small change in lifestyle (the societal rejection of single use plastic bags) has Martin van Beynen nostalgic over his loss (Feb 2) and causes him such embarrassm­ent and angst, how on earth are we going to address an issue as big as ‘‘please don’t have so many babies’’.

As Martin said, less the disdain and sarcasm, I can’t wait.

Nathan Hales, Upper Hutt

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