The Post

Virgin Galactic pilots get their astronaut wings


Administra­tion awarded two Virgin Galactic pilots ‘‘commercial astronaut wings’’ yesterday, after a spacecraft piloted by Mark ‘‘Forger’’ Stucky and C.J. Sturkow hit an altitude of 82.7km in a daring test flight over the Mojave desert in December.

The flight heralded a new era in human spacefligh­t, and a coup for the company founded by Richard Branson more than 14 years ago. Branson has said his goal at the time – one day flying tourists to the edge of space and back – could be realised this year.

Speaking at the US Department of Transporta­tion yesterday, Branson called the flight ‘‘a moment of historical significan­ce, a moment of inspiratio­n and of optimism for the future.’’

After years of trying, ‘‘we are finally at the dawn of a new age of space exploratio­n’’, Branson added.

In presenting the decoration, Transporta­tion Secretary Elaine Chao said the achievemen­t encapsulat­es ‘‘an era of innovation that historians may one day call the rocket renaissanc­e’’.

The ceremony came as a number of companies are working to fly humans to space this year. Blue Origin, the space company founded by Jeffrey Bezos, also plans to fly paying customers on suborbital jaunts through the atmosphere.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Boeing are also preparing to fly Nasa’s astronauts to the Internatio­nal Space Station as early as this year.

Unlike those companies, which launch rockets that take off vertically, Virgin Galactic flies a space plane, known as SpaceShipT­wo, a winged vehicle with a powerful rocket motor. It is hoisted aloft while tethered to the belly of a mother ship. Then at about 12,200m it is released. The pilot fires the motor and then steers the spacecraft almost perfectly vertical while it barrels through the atmosphere.

‘‘It’s almost instantane­ous,’’ Stucky said in an interview before the ceremony.

‘‘But it’s very smooth . . . a very sharp, quick accelerati­on. It’s like a catapult launch. You’re immediatel­y accelerati­ng. You’re pinned back in the seat.’’

On December 13 Stucky fired the motor, and soon the spacecraft was travelling at a top speed of Mach 2.9, or nearly three times the speed of sound. On the ground, a few hundred people watched anxiously, their necks craned to the sky.

Many had been standing in the same spot during a similar test flight in 2014, when the spacecraft came apart mid-flight, killing Michael Alsbury, the pilot, in an accident that led to a federal investigat­ion and set the programme back years.

This time, though, the flight was a success. The crowd on the ground cheered as the announcer called out the altitude. Branson and his son embraced. And on the descent, Stucky pulled a triumphant barrel roll that was part of the flight profile, designed to test the spacecraft.

‘‘A flight is not a flight unless you fly upside,’’ Stucky said.

Branson has said that after the flight he shed tears of joy as well as relief that his pilots landed safely.

‘‘Test flights have always got a risk element. It’s the most difficult time for a space line,’’ Branson said in an interview. As for Stucky and Sturckow, he said: ‘‘They were incredibly brave.’’

For Stucky, the space flight was a climax of a long career. As a military test pilot, he flew the SR-71 Blackbird, a supersonic jet used by the military to fly high and fast over enemy territory. For Sturckow, a former Marine Corps test pilot who flew combat missions during the Persian Gulf War, it was his fifth trip to space. As a Nasa astronaut, he flew four space shuttle missions.

The last time the FAA issued astronaut wings was in 2004, to Mike Melville and Brian Binnie, who flew SpaceShipO­ne, the predecesso­r to Virgin Galactic’s spaceplane. The first privately backed vehicle to make it past the edge of space, it now hangs in the National Air and Space Museum next to the Spirit of St Louis.

Virgin’s flight was the first time humans had reached the edge of space since the Space Shuttle was retired in 2011. And it was the first commercial vehicle – that is, built without government money – designed to reach space with passengers.

The company has said it has some 700 people signed up for suborbital space trips, which today cost US$250,000 (NZ$371,000) a ticket. Branson has said he hoped to start flying passengers by this year from Spaceport America in New Mexico.

While the vehicle did not make it to 100km, which many consider to be the altitude where space begins, it did cross the 80km threshold, which is recognised by the United States government. In the 1960s, the Air Force awarded astronaut wings to the pilots in the X-15 programme who flew the jet 80km or higher.

 ?? WASHINGTON POST ?? Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipT­wo has carried its pilots to an altitude of 82.7km above its Mojave desert base.
WASHINGTON POST Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipT­wo has carried its pilots to an altitude of 82.7km above its Mojave desert base.

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