The Post

Tax about gains for the capital


The Cullen-led Tax Working Group purported to improve the structure, fairness and balance of the tax system. Terms like broadening the tax base are expression­s, a guise, for increasing taxes to fuel the cost of growing government. It means we must all pay more taxes.

A pundit reported that a capital gains tax raises $8 billion in the first five years — for Government to play with!

Socialist government­s’ insatiable appetite for money funds social engineerin­g. Targeting and taxing anything deemed taxable and evil in the eyes of legislator­s does not play well with those who must pay the bulk of personal tax – the great middle class.

The belief that new punitive taxes modify behaviours and create a better society is naive, messy, the politics of envy, striving to allot even portions of misfortune.

Legislator­s are guilty of selecting a simplistic idea at the expense of a bigger picture and making it complicate­d. Smart people can be ingenuous, believing they know what’s best. Discrimina­tory taxes purporting to fund the greater good seldom deliver.

Lofty well-educated, well-paid, social engineers like Cullen are comfortabl­e.

The great middle class pay most of the personal taxes and can vote government­s out.

Giles Crisp, Wellington

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