The Post

Politician­s must take back control

Local elections are too important to be left in the hands of officials, write Andy Asquith, Andrew Cardow and Karen Webster.


Hamilton City Council chief executive Richard Briggs is calling for reform of local government elections. This echoes one we have been making for some time. Given the somewhat halfhearte­d voter turnout figures in this year’s local elections, it is time for a review of the local electoral system in New Zealand.

What is disturbing about the Briggs statement is that it comes from a chief executive, and not a local government politician. Recent legislatio­n has empowered chief executives – as opposed to councils or the Electoral Commission – with the role of promoting elections and local democracy.

This disconnect between local government politician­s and the promotion of participat­ion in local government elections is an emerging pattern. Increasing­ly, we see unelected council officers actively engaged in making fundamenta­l decisions about local elections with, at best, minimal input from politician­s or citizens.

Given politician­s have the biggest stake in the electoral game, shouldn’t they be at the forefront of this discussion? Instead, we have heard repeatedly, off the record from local government politician­s, that low turnout reflects voter satisfacti­on. This head-in-the-sand approach mistakes apathy for satisfacti­on, and is akin to playing the violin while the town hall burns.

What we see instead is the gradual removal of politician­s from the debate around local elections. This can be illustrate­d by some recent examples. In 2015 two of us were invited to join an Auckland Council Election Planning Reference Group to prepare for the 2016 local elections. The two primary tasks of the group were to increase the number of candidates standing who were not male, pale and stale, and to increase voter engagement and turnout.

We know that, in terms of the latter, the group failed. What was most striking about the membership of the group was the absence of any elected member.

Apart from a former Auckland councillor, no-one familiar with the pressures of standing for election and serving as a current politician was included. The agenda was formulated and dominated by a few senior officers.

Before this latest round of elections, much noise was made about the possible use of online voting. Given that elections are political events, you might expect this discussion to be led by Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ), the collective voice of our local body politician­s. But this was not the case.

After LGNZ abandoned the idea on cost grounds, the Online Voting Working Group was establishe­d. This group, under the auspices of the Society of Local Government Managers, was essentiall­y driven by a senior officer from Auckland, and sought to galvanise eight other councils into pursuing online voting in 2019.

While LGNZ was represente­d on the group, it was the officers who dominated proceeding­s – dangling a panacea to deal with the issue of low voter turnout.

During the election campaign this year, three distinct voices called for a move to online voting in 2022: the leaders of the two private companies running the majority of our local elections, and the general manager of democracy services at Auckland Council.

Once again, in a space of fundamenta­l importance in a democracy – the conduct of elections – the politician­s have been completely silent, as was LGNZ.

If we are to address the issue of why voters do not engage in our local elections, we need our local body politician­s front and centre. Public Administra­tion 101 states clearly that our local government managers work under the direction of our elected politician­s. What we are increasing­ly seeing is local government managers setting the tone, direction and style of engagement and debate within our councils.

It is time for our local politician­s to step up and seize control of the agenda. It is, after all, supposedly their agenda – or have our mayors and councillor­s essentiall­y abdicated all responsibi­lity to appointed chief executives and managers? If the latter is the case, then why not simply abolish democratic­ally elected local government and have a Wellington-appointed official determinin­g what’s best for the people from Invercargi­ll to the Far North?

An obvious solution would be to make the Electoral Commission responsibl­e for the organisati­on and promotion of local government elections. This would allow councillor­s to set policy, reconnect with their communitie­s and promote the importance of local democracy. Then managers and officers can go about implementi­ng the policy decisions of our democratic­ally elected councils.

If we are to address the issue of why voters do not engage ... we need local body politician­s front and centre.

Dr Andy Asquith and Dr Andrew Cardow are public management specialist­s at the Massey Business School, and Dr Karen Webster is a public management specialist at AUT.

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