The Post

Let’s leave them alone


The public seem to accept and understand that Harry and Meghan want to live private lives rather than commit to royal duties, and who can blame them.

What a shame the British media are day after day, week after week, blowing it up into the biggest scandal in the world at the moment – and the rest of the Western World’s media is repeating it all. It vindicates their decision to want out.

The only thing the Queen has said publicly is she ‘‘would prefer the couple to remain fulltime working members of the royal family’’, but respects and understand­s their reasons not to be. The supposed ‘‘fury’’ and ‘‘spitting of blood’’ from royals is from the usual ‘‘palace insiders’’.

Harry and Meghan have given the world a televised, public wedding and plenty of other on-camera insights. On behalf of everyone who enjoys a bit of privacy, can we just leave them alone?

If they happen to read this: my family would like to offer them a week in the sleepout at our Hastings home. My Holden Commodore has tinted windows. I’ll show them the sights in complete anonymity.

Chris Ormond, Hastings

The situation faced by the House of Windsor due to the demands of the Queen’s grandson may be unpreceden­ted. It also offers the opportunit­y for a demonstrat­ion of a truly royal demeanor on the part of Her Majesty.

In the face of graceless behaviour from her grandson, doubtless buoyed by his equally graceless bride, Her Majesty displays courtesy, forbearanc­e, and generosity. Whatever the outcome of the present debacle, she will have no reason to reproach herself.

We are seeing what it means to be truly royal. Long may she be an example to us all.

Margaret Austin, Mt Victoria

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