The Post

‘No time frame’ for move to level 1

- Collette Devlin

The Government will not move New Zealand into alert level 1 unless director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield is confident.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave an update on the progress towards the goal of stamping out Covid-19 and moving as fast and as safely as possible, to open up more of the economy.

She also outlined more detail about the ongoing risk management for level 2.

There was ‘‘no time frame yet,’’ for a move into level 1, she said. But alert level 1 would have basic ongoing parameters around it, she said.

In the meantime, restrictio­ns would be reviewed every two weeks.

‘‘I envisage that we will stay in level 2 until the directorge­neral has confidence that we can de-escalate further.’’

Today, the country is taking a ‘‘cautious step forward’’ with bars opening and as Kiwis progress through level 2, the Government planned to regularly adjust the rules.

The first check will come on Monday, when the Cabinet will consider increasing the size of gatherings.

As more data became available during level 2, there could be a further increase in the size of gatherings, she said.

The country did not need to move levels in order to wind down restrictio­ns.

‘‘If the data leading up to Monday continues on its positive run, we will have more confidence to lift the size of gatherings and very importantl­y that does apply to things like church services,’’ Ardern said.

‘‘I envisage that we will stay in level 2 until the directorge­neral has confidence that we can de-escalate further.’’

Jacinda Ardern prime minister

The Government intended to keep phasing in additional activity under level 2, when the evidence showed there was low to little risk of further outbreaks, she said.

Decisions will always be made on a Monday, then take effect 48 hours later.

There could also be potential during level 2 to relax restrictio­ns on physical distancing on buses and planes, so that more people could travel.

The Government had adopted the nimble approach to make incrementa­l adjustment­s in order to get the country moving again, she said.

‘‘The best thing we can do for the economy is to stay on top of the virus and continue our managed de-escalation of restrictio­ns when the health data says it is safe to do so,’’ Ardern said.

 ??  ?? Good George on Auckland’s waterfront has erected numerous glasshouse­s for customers to enjoy while dining out during alert level 2.
Good George on Auckland’s waterfront has erected numerous glasshouse­s for customers to enjoy while dining out during alert level 2.
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