The Post

Locator beacons


It’s a relief that trampers Jessica O’Connor and Dion Reynolds were found alive in the remoteness of Kahurangi National Park, albeit injured, hungry and tired.

We are told the pair ‘‘did the right thing’’ by staying put and getting near a water source. They were experience­d and had appropriat­e gear.

But actually, they didn’t have all the right gear and news reports have been remarkably silent on the fact that they were not carrying a personal locator beacon (PLB).

Experience­d trampers do not go into remote unforgivin­g country under alert level 3 without a PLB.

Days, thousands of taxpayer dollars and countless hours of volunteer time could have been saved if they pair had taken a PLB and activated it when they realised they were in trouble.

Buying a PLB (about $450) is worth more than losing a life. Hiring one for about $5 a day has been available for years.

I’m glad they survived. I’m glad they did the right thing and had some good gear. But let’s not forget they were not fully prepared, they unnecessar­ily added to a country in crisis by venturing into dangerous country at alert level 3 and, in doing so, put other lives at risk.

Everyone entering New Zealand’s backcountr­y should have a PLB.

Barry John Wards, Upper Hutt

I’m getting fed up with people not renting personal locator beacons when they go out. There is no excuse.

I sincerely hope Dion Reynolds and Jessica O’Connor get the full bill for their rescue; $30,000-$50,000 should do it.

Remember, they went out without a personal locator beacon (PLB), which costs $50 a week to rent usually. ($400-$600 to buy).

I’d also like to know how come they went out with six days’ food, when overnight camping was not allowed under level 3.

This would be an ideal case to make sure people in the future take PLBs with them or pay a price for the community cost.

Bill them and anyone else in the future, no excuses. This is not something to continue to be slack over.

Mike Mckee, Seatoun

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