The Post

DIY project management


Handling your own project management can save you a significan­t amount, but be aware that this saving is achieved by eliminatin­g the builder’s traditiona­l margin, and therefore responsibi­lity, for managing the project properly.

By taking on the project manager role yourself, you take on all the responsibi­lities traditiona­lly entrusted to the head contractor, without the benefit of his or her experience. You are now personally responsibl­e for dealing with council, ensuring all costs are on track to meet your budget, sourcing materials and reliable subcontrac­tors, and co-ordinating everything and everyone so that everything needed comes together on site at exactly the right times and in exactly the right sequence.

It also includes understand­ing in depth what each subcontrac­tor does and ensuring the quality of work is maintained and will not adversely impact other trades; ensuring that the consented design drawings and specificat­ion are being exactly adhered to; arranging building inspector and profession­al (architect and engineer) visits at the appropriat­e times; administer­ing all progress payments; dealing with all the myriad issues that come up; and keeping good records. And all in compliance with your various subcontrac­t agreements, council requiremen­ts, bank requiremen­ts, and the law.

If anything goes expensivel­y wrong, blaming your contractor­s, suppliers or consultant­s will not help if the issue arose because you, in your inexperien­ce, made a wrong decision or failed to anticipate something that a profession­al project manager would have known.

In other words, you are paying for any saving you make this way through significan­tly increased risk and stress.

Administer­ing a project can also take longer than you might expect, potentiall­y impacting your day job while the build is under way.

For many, the peace of mind that comes with handing things over to a profession­al who is responsibl­e for achieving a good standard at a contractua­lly agreed price, is worth more than any potential saving.

That said, some homeowners can and do take on this DIY project manager role, often several times with successive homes. A helpful architect and some experience­d and tolerant tradespeop­le you trust can make all the difference if you decide to take this on.

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