The Post

How I write: Bruce Ansley, 11 books, including Coast. His latest release is Down South.


What’s your writing routine? Do you have a certain time of day you like to write?

I keep union hours. I write from nine to noon, Monday to Friday only. That keeps the weekends free for wondering why I do it.

And where do you write?

In the spare bedroom. It has two essential diversions: The view is splendid and the bed is handy.

Can you share a piece of good advice you’ve received about writing?

It came from Joseph Romanos, author of my riad books and a fellow writer on the Listener when my first book had ground to a more or less permanent halt. I had a contract with a publisher, the delivery date was looming like death and I was worried sick when I called him. He said, ‘‘Never lose sleep over it. After all, it’s only a book.’’ What advice do you give to writers starting out?

Keep going. If you’re writing, you’re a writer. That’s the definition.

What kind of books do you like to read for enjoyment?

I’m reading Peter Simpson’s second volume on Colin McCahon,

Is this the promised land?, Becky Manawatu’s Aue, Christophe­r Milne’s The Enchanted Places and a James Lee Burke novel so pungent I can smell the Louisiana swamps.

Do you read physical books or digital ones?

I read books with covers and pages. I love the feel of them, and the heft, and the care that goes into the typesettin­g and layout. I love the way they sit on a shelf nestling into other books, all of them as individual and colourful as a crowd. Digital books have none of the above.

Do you write in book margins? Nope. All of that effort and patience and skill and art defaced by graffiti? Sod off.

What ‘‘must read’’ book have you not read? Go on, fess up.

Clive James’ The Fire of Joy: Roughly 80 Poems to Get by Heart and Say Aloud. I’ve always admired James, loved his heart and his sense of humour. That’s one good reason for reading it. The other is that it was his last book and I, we, owe it to him. On the other hand, I’ve read The Luminaries, honest.

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