The Post

Johnson ‘poisoning’ democracy


Boris Johnson is ‘‘poisoning the well’’ of British democracy with his behaviour over allegedly illicit parties in Downing Street, Sir Keir Starmer has warned, claiming that the prime minister’s handling of the crisis risked a backlash akin to the fall-out over the 2009 MPs’ expenses scandal.

Labour leader Starmer, who has called for the prime minister to resign over the scandal, alleged that Johnson ‘‘flagrantly breaks the rules’’ and then ‘‘drags as many into the gutter with him by forcing them to defend his rulebreaki­ng’’.

A source close to Starmer said he feared that the ramificati­ons of the series of revelation­s about parties at No 10 despite Covid-19 restrictio­ns, could be similar to the fallout from revelation­s about MPs’ routine abuse of the expenses system, more than 12 years ago.

Labour has also repeatedly criticised Johnson over the redecorati­on of his official Downing Street residence, which was funded by a Conservati­ve donor and peer.

Lord Geidt, the independen­t adviser on ministers’ interests, exonerated the prime minister over the affair last year but went on to rebuke Johnson and his advisers for failing to disclose a WhatsApp exchange between the prime minister and the peer.

Earlier this month, Lord Geidt said he ‘‘doubted’’ he would still have been able to conclude ‘‘without qualificat­ion’’ that the prime minister had declared the donation correctly had he seen the messages at the time of the investigat­ion.

Starmer said of Johnson: ‘‘The taunt that politician­s are all in it for themselves becomes accepted wisdom. That mistrust suits Johnson just fine. If all politician­s are all as bad as each other he can be as bad as he likes.

‘‘But it’s not fine for our democracy. It only serves to convince people that things cannot get better, that the Government cannot improve people’s lives, and that progress is not possible because politics does not work.

‘‘But in the right hands, used in the right way and for the right reasons, politics can work, it can be a noble cause to build a better country and a better world. Everyone who cares about our democracy has a vital interest in restoring belief in that truth. But it can’t happen whilst Boris Johnson and his politics of cynicism are poisoning the well of our democracy.’’

Yesterday, the Labour leader again called on the prime minister to resign, saying to do so would be in the ‘‘national interest’’ as he has ‘‘lost the moral authority to lead’’.

‘‘We’ve got a prime minister who is absent – he is literally in hiding at the moment and unable to lead, so that’s why I’ve concluded that he has got to go,’’ he said at the Fabian Society conference in London. A poll by Find Out Now put Labour on 41 per cent, 14 points ahead of the Conservati­ves as Sir Keir’s party saw its lead increase by six points in a month.

 ?? AP ?? Britain’s Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.
AP Britain’s Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.

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