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ARIES (Mar 21 to Apr 20) Are you bored with the status quo? When the Moon’s in Aquarius it stimulates your restless side. So it’s time to stretch yourself in exciting new directions – physically, mentally and spirituall­y. TAURUS (Apr 21 to May 21) Bulls can get stuck in a stifling rut. The Aquarian Moon encourages you to broaden your horizons and take on board fresh ideas and alternativ­e points of view – especially at work. GEMINI (May 22 to Jun 21) You’ll feel physically and mentally restless today, so aim to get out and about. Do things that stretch your mind and body as you explore new ideas, fresh friendship­s and unexplored places. CANCER (Jun 22 to Jul 23) Attached Crabs – it’s a terrific time to share something new with your partner. Singles – love and money are linked, so look for a potential partner who is fabulous with managing finances. LEO (Jul 24 to Aug 23) You’re in the mood to knuckle down and work today Lions, but don’t neglect loved ones in the process. With some creative multitaski­ng, you’ll find there’s plenty of time for both. VIRGO (Aug 24 to Sep 23) Avoid getting bogged down in your usual Virgo routine. It’s time to jazz up your timetable with some special connection­s, as you converse and socialise with family, friends and acquaintan­ces. LIBRA (Sep 24 to Oct 23) Unresolved problems from the past could come back to test you. Don’t dither! Make a commitment to resolve these issues once and for all. Then you can wipe the slate clean and move on. SCORPIO (Oct 24 to Nov 22) The focus is on financial matters. If you are positive, proactive and productive – plus get some cracking profession­al advice – then you’ll create a comfortabl­e nest egg for the future. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23 to Dec 22) With the Sun and Jupiter in your work/ reputation zone, congratula­te yourself on how far you’ve come. But taskmaster Saturn encourages you to put your head down and keep working! CAPRICORN (Dec 23 to Jan 20) The Sun and Saturn provide the opportunit­y to roll up your sleeves and power through projects. If you combine being productive with being proactive, then you’ll have a satisfying day. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 to Feb 19) Your boredom threshold is set on low and you don’t have the patience to put up with boring people or long explanatio­ns. So strive to extricate yourself from such situations in a tactful way. PISCES (Feb 20 to Mar 20) Pluto is powering through your hopes and wishes zone, so aim to be passionate­ly proactive about your goals and dreams for the future. Plus strive to inspire like-minded souls.

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