The Press

Jail possible for repeat drink-driver


driving. She told police she drank two glasses of wine before driving and had the sun in her eyes. Her breath test at the scene indicated a level of 1009mcg of alcohol per litre of breath.

Judge Garland said the offence carried a maximum of five years’ imprisonme­nt. He told the court that he had looked up sentencing authoritie­s and found sentences imposed ranged from three-and-ahalf years’ jail downwards.

‘‘These are serious charges and they require careful considerat­ion by the court, not just for your sake, but also for the sake of the victim and the community,’’ the judge told Arrow.

Arrow pleaded guilty in May to drink-driving causing injury and to driving in breach of a zeroalcoho­l licence imposed on January 20.

Members of public called police about her swerving as she drove on Main Rd, Redcliffs, on March 25. She failed to take a corner and struck a barrier, which threw a couple off a two-metre bank.

Appleton landed on the rocks below. He suffered extensive breaks to both legs, an extensive skull fracture, broken ribs and internal injuries. His girlfriend was thrown into a bush. She received minor bruises and scratches.

‘‘[My girlfriend] saw me lying there on the rocks and thought I died ... it was terrible for her,’’ Appleton said in earlier interview.

Judge Garland remanded Arrow on renewed bail for the submission­s to be prepared for sentencing on September 28. She said nothing to waiting media as she left court.

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