The Press

Wish for new cathedral selfish, repugnant


Occasional writers have desired a newly build cathedral in our square. That is a reasonable individual preference, but it selfishly disregards overwhelmi­ng community preference evidenced through the 2014 Colmar Brunton poll. To the vast majority of Cantabrian­s, especially those brought up in Christchur­ch, the cathedral provides the key symbolic link to our ancestors, connecting all of us.

The suggestion that we should demolish this largely intact and irreplacea­ble building through a preference for a new building induces an emotional reaction similar to suggesting that someone whose mother has perhaps broken her leg should simply ‘‘get a nicer new one’’.

This is repugnant and, frankly, before the quakes half destroyed us, would have been widely and justly ridiculed.

For those few who don’t care – fair enough, but don’t advocate to crush what so many cherish. There is infinite space for new stuff in Christchur­ch. What is left of our heritage, and especially the preeminent example of that, is now critically important.

The Government thankfully seem to understand this. I’m looking forward to the further news due later this year. As an Anglican I pray that our Church leaders will soon start to understand and respond to our community and finally help us heal. Tim Preston lam

Let’s fight for a new building

Interest in the fate of the Anglican cathedral has been rekindled by the announceme­nt that the Government is going to step into the fray.

Some while ago the diocesan synod decided that a new, modern structure was their preference. The heritage trust are to be admired for their commitment and persistenc­e in lobbying for a rebuild.

Now it requires an effort of no lesser magnitude, by those of us who want a fit-for-purpose cathedral, to step up and organise an appeal for a brand new building.

Why don’t I undertake the work? I am past my use-by-date for such an undertakin­g.

The many purposes for which the transition­al cathedral is used gives proof to the fact that a contempora­ry design is required. Who is going to stand up and start the process? Heather Schofield Ashburton

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