The Press

Wilson Parking gives nothing back


I am amused and somewhat comforted by Johnny Moore’s piece on Wilson car-parking (Feb 24). This reflects exactly my experience with Wilson and I often have asked myself why we have fallen prey to such an organisati­on that gives nothing back to our citizens and causes so much angst.

I was heartened by a recent presentati­on by Ryan Reynolds of Gap Filler. The non-Wilsons car-park project would see the community benefit from car park income.

It’s an idea whose moment has surely come as we look to build a city that demonstrat­es progressiv­e thinking.

My previous experience in property ownership and management has demonstrat­ed to me that we can do things better. It is time for Christchur­ch to lead the way in designing solutions which benefit all stakeholde­rs.

Dorenda Britten


Terrible service

Johnny Moore’s mum is not alone in her anger at those parking pirates at Wilson Parking.(Feb 24).

Yesterday I drove into one of its car parks in central Christchur­ch and drove round and round a maze of parked cars to finally find one in an almost impenetrab­le corner.

I then walked to the footpath through broken bottles, smashed bricks and other detritus of a damaged city.

On my return, some yobbo had parked across my exit. I had to make three attempts in my little car to extricate myself. It must have taken about 50 odd yanks on the steering wheel.

I was then required to wind around a maze of randomly parked cars. There was little organisati­on. How can Wilson charge for this nonexisten­t service?

Surely it is required to have proper lanes marked, to have safe areas for pedestrian­s?

Are there no council bylaws for this?

How is this dinosaur operation allowed to extract money from the public in such an undiscipli­ned and roughshod way?

Go for it, Johnny’s mum. Jackie Watson


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