The Press

Little set for court over Niue remarks despite late apology


Labour leader Andrew Little is set to face defamation proceeding­s despite his late apology over accusation­s regarding a Niue resort deal.

Scenic Hotel Group founder Earl Hagaman, and wife Lani, made a $101,000 donation to the National Party during the 2014 election.

A month later the company won a tender to manage the Matavai resort in Niue, which receives government funding.

Last year, Little questioned the nature and timing of the contract award, leading to defamation proceeding­s from the Hagamans.

Auditor General Lyn Provost cleared the deal last September, saying her office had found there was a standard procuremen­t process with reasoned and documented analysis.

In a statement yesterday, Little said there was ‘‘considerab­le media interest’’ about the contract, and as leader of the opposition he had an obligation to respond.

He accepted Provost’s finding and wanted to ’’publicly apologise unreserved­ly to Mr Hagaman for any hurt, embarrassm­ent or adverse reflection on his reputation which may have resulted from my various media statements’’.

Little had also offered to make ‘‘a substantia­l contributi­on’’ towards the Hagamans’ legal costs. However, his offers had been rejected, meaning the case would now head to court.

‘‘That is unfortunat­e. I strongly believe everybody’s time, not least the court’s, could be better used.’’

In a statement, Lani Hagaman said Little’s statement had come as a surprise.

‘‘It’s difficult for us to accept this as a genuine apology if Earl is receiving the details after it was released to the national media.’’

The couple would consider their position, but ‘‘at first glance’’ were likely to continue the defamation proceeding­s, set for April 3.

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