The Press

In a few words


Insolent Gerry gone

With Gerry Brownlee now replaced as earthquake recovery minister, what are we going to do next time there’s a bit of a crisis in Christchur­ch? Will the people doing the hard work have to insult themselves if Gerry’s not around to do it? Dave Kelly Central Christchur­ch

Mary not heavenly mother

I would like to point out that Arthur Skinner is mistaken when he is quoted in Saturday’s paper as saying that Jesus’ mother is the queen of Heaven. The queen of Heaven is the goddess mentioned in Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17 and 25, and not the Mother Mary. Liz O’Callaghan Burwood

Where are the wreaths?

We went to Cramner Square around 12.15pm on Anzac Day expecting to view the wreaths on the cenotaph, but these had all been removed. There were lots of people around, so it seemed unusual. I would have thought that they could have remained in place until evening. Russell Gregory Spreydon

Church not the hold-up

Chris Watkins asks (Apr 25): ‘‘How many more years will it take the Anglicans to reach a [cathedral] decision?’’ They made the decision a few years ago to rebuild in a modern, purpose-built style. It is people like him who are bullying them who are holding things up. Liz O’Callaghan Burwood

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