The Press

In a few words


Collision prevention

The cost-effective and efficient way is to lay the rumble strip down the centre of the road. A departure left will be a one-vehicle incident. Crossing the centre line will possibly be a multiple unit disaster. Jack Hall


When we were wasp-free

In 1950 when we arrived In New Zealand from England, one of the first things my late father said was thank goodness there are no wasps here, as we had been plagued by them at home. I wonder what he would think now that New Zealand has the greatest concentrat­ion in the world. Let’s hope that gene modificati­on will eradicate these pests. Charles Reddish


Pennies from heaven

The city council doesn’t need to give our money to the church. It is rich enough, according to the Bible. Glen McAdam


Splash of insight

I see Regenerate Christchur­ch wants to put in a flatwater lake. Has anyone told them water is naturally flat, which is what makes it difficult to build with? Vic Smith


Trump and Jerusalem

So US President Donald Trump wants a list of the United Nations votes. Is he writing his own naughty-or-nice list and deciding who gets coal? Dennis Fitzgerald


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