The Press

In a few words


Bagging single use

There’s no such thing as a singleuse plastic bag in our household. They get used twice.

Steve Percival


Dishing the mud

The Heathcote River is to be dredged, producing enough mud to fill 24 olympic-size swimming pools. What are they going to do with all those swimming pools full of mud?

Vic Smith


Time is running out

The world is like a mammary gland Being milked for all its worth Keep it up for much longer and There’ll be nothing left on this Earth

David L Smith


Unarmed and alarmed

What a relief that President Trump is brave enough to save a school full of children from a gunman with an automatic weapon. He would even do this unarmed. Maybe if he really believes this he can ditch his secret service protection squad and save the entire planet.

Paul Dryden


Not being counted?

Census 2018 is this coming Tuesday and still no forms in my letterbox. With no weekend deliveries of mail, it will be touch and go whether rural folk like me will be counted on the due date. Add into the mix the fact that many retirees are not overly computer savvy . . .

John Shone


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