The Press

In a few words


Cause, effect and location

Te Kuha mine is in Buller, not Westland (Letters, Mar 7). There has never been much coal mined south of the Grey River. Buller coal is of very high quality, and can be used for steelmakin­g and carbon filters etc. Also there is no ‘‘massive’’ opposition to this mine. Grant Weston Westport

Making America ‘‘grate’’ again

If the United States president continues to persist in isolating the outside world from America and his own staff from his views, the only people to be found in the White House will be wearing white hoods and robes. He should be careful that he does not burn all his boats or he may find a burning cross on the lawn. America is beginning to grate rather than becoming great. Vic Smith Halswell

Operationa­l matters

Re ‘‘Brothel bylaw may be tweaked’’ (The Press, Mar 9): If ‘‘small owneropera­ted brothels’’ are ‘‘SOOBs’’, then it doesn’t take much of an imaginatio­n to figure out how ‘‘big owner-operated brothels’’ may be referred to. Chris Botur Hillmorton

Freedom dumping

What a pity there isn’t the same outrage around the freedom dumping we see every day on our footpaths as the outrage that the freedom campers attract. Warren Elston Richmond

How many are a few?

Perhaps the letters editor should give us his definition of a few. John Balneaves Fendalton

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