The Press




1. Support given little credit, badly cut by the aspiration (6)

8. They are taken to by those fleeing (5)

9. Man’s parliament lady won’t supply, having nothing less


11. Would they make good fishwives? (8)

12. Rang around with your head in an inflamed state (5)

15. Party back in with this old god (4)

16. The East will disappear on this trip (3)

17. One of the forces Mary turned to (4)

19. Nothing bold about being upset by the sight of it (5)

21. Democrat leader is sat for his portrait, being so inclined (8)

24. Is being very loud, with the result that one doesn’t hear it (7)

25. A show of energy leading up to the front door (5)

26. Stay, with the Sappers, on the flank (6)


2. A beam of light on it being material (5)

3. What Eiffel was up to, being very tall (8)

4. In the edge, fifty will give a boat direction (4)

5. What a pity, woman having the morning inside (5)

6. She’s not mortal, and is ripe for change (4)

7. Ancient goddess in the river at Oxford (4)

10. Passed on responsibi­lity for limb at being included indeed (9)

12. Soon, a name won’t be able to be supplied (4)

13. The sheriff’s men are starting to be ill between blows (8)

14. Looked at the hole in the needle and started darning (4)

18. My holding of a person is for cash (5)

20. It is admitted we nod in order to show it (5)

21. Performed The Ring for the Queen of Carthage (4)

22. Declared that one was in sorry surroundin­gs (4)

23. It costs a lot to be beloved (4) SATURDAY’S SOLUTION

Across: 1. Incinerato­r 6. Cap 8. Oasts 10. Minuteman

11. Tote 12. Abler 13. Buddleia 16. Medusas 17. Olid 18. Stir

19. Prosaic 21. Whaleman 23. Annal 26. Opal 27. Alarm-bell

28. Abort 29. Kir 30. City slicker

Down: 1. Idolatrous 2. Castles in the air 3. Nostrum 4. Adieu

5. Rattles 6. Combinatio­n lock 7. Pane 9. Toe 13. Bedroom

14. Disdain 15. Percolator 19. Polemic 20. Chapati 22. Alley

24. Nab 25. Dark

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