The Press




1. From which to make it a real warm mixture (3,8)

7. Criticises MP gun is put out for (7)

9. It’s a nuisance: step round it (4)

11. There’s nothing a ram can produce but a smell (5)

12. When it’s cold and wet in turn, right? (6)

14. Principal actress laying dead out when about fifty (7,4)

18. Box car, not to be returned (6)

20. Beethoven finally giving hint about its being his last (5)

22. There’s nothing on court to feel strong affection for (4)

23. As far as one can see, it’s where the ground meets the sky (7)

24. Group in sect one may be pursuing by law (11)


2. Give backing to a sort of pop rave (7)

3. The job one is taken to for a telling-off (4)

4. Is on the watch for later developmen­t (5)

5. Leading soprano starting Nabucco in bed (5)

6. The lie of the floor, one hears (5)

8. Sort of piano numbers turned up by a relation (8)

10. Miner, about to be poorly, will become a hat-maker (8)

13. Whatever amount of a start given to the Big Apple (3)

15. Inhabitant of New Zealand I need to sort out (7)

16. Tell one off for giving son a chill (5)

17. The liking one takes to somebody with polish (5)

19. Senior scout got right on top (5)

21. How smart a bird sounds (4) YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

Across: 1. Scholar 5. Cello 8. Renegue 9. Uncle 10. Pertinent

12. Due 13. Fence 17. Owl 19. Remission 21. Dozen

22. Crackle 24. Hodge 25. Surfeit

Down: 1. Scrape 2. Hundred 3. Lag 4. Reeve 5. Countless

6. Lucid 7. Opener 11. Inference 14. Twinkle 15. Howdah

16. Invert 18. Lazed 20. Mocks 23. Air

 ??  ??

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