The Press

The good and the bad of the year in business

- Kirk Hope is the chief executive of BusinessNZ Kirk Hope

It has been an interestin­g year for business in New Zealand. The political economy – the environmen­t for doing business – changed following the election of a coalition that many said would be bad for business.

In fact, there have been some surprising policy moves led by the various Labour, NZ First and Green parts of the Government.

It was unexpected that a Labour-led coalition would sign up so strongly to Budget Responsibi­lity Rules or pull back from imposing stiff cuts on business migration. Also unexpected was NZ First’s reversal from its election campaign stance of severe cuts to immigratio­n.

Budget responsibi­lity and the ability to gain skills from overseas are key issues for business, so these moves will have soothed some business fears.

The most unexpected move of the year – not in a good way – was the abrupt announceme­nt of the decision to ban new oil and gas exploratio­n in New Zealand.

The Green-inspired move took everyone by surprise and raised concerns about the impact on the Taranaki economy and the New Zealand economy overall.

It was probably the key reason for low levels of business confidence in 2018 that are only now beginning to ease.

Less surprising was the Ardern Government’s move towards greater interventi­on in the economy.

In some cases this has been very positive for business – for example, regarding research and developmen­t (R&D) assistance.

Labour’s policy to introduce R&D tax credits for all qualifying businesses in addition to the R&D support already provided by Callaghan Innovation has been well received by many businesses that previously would not have been eligible for any innovation support.

It’s an important move because the ability to innovate is the main way for businesses to stay competitiv­e. These days the only way to compete effectivel­y is by creating new products, services and approaches to business.

The NZ First-inspired Provincial Growth Fund is another interventi­on gaining positive mention by business in regional areas of New Zealand.

Businesses involved in activities such as aquacultur­e in Coromandel, goat farming in Southland, tourism and dairy processing in Westland, kiwifruit in the Bay of Plenty and forestry in Northland have all gained from the fund, while infrastruc­ture for rail services, cycleways and digital connectivi­ty have been boosted.

Perhaps the biggest gain for business this year was the successful completion of the CPTPP trade deal. This huge trade agreement between 11 Pacific rim countries will significan­tly reduce the tariffs that New Zealand exporters must pay to sell their goods in large, desirable markets such as Japan and Canada.

The fact that the Ardern Government went so strongly after the CPTPP after being opposed to its predecesso­r, the TPP, may have been surprising, but it was a reversal that many in business welcomed.

Finally, the reversal most cheered by business was the Government’s decision to overturn some of the more rigid elements of its new employment law.

The Employment Relations Act now contains more support for union activity in the workplace, but has also been stripped of excessive provisions that would have cornered businesses into multi- employer collective­s against their will.

Looking at the effects on business of the first year of this Government, it’s clear that not all policy moves in 2018 were expected and not all were bad for business.

In 2019 enterprise­s and their representa­tives will keep on engaging with Government and its three component parties to seek continuing improvemen­ts for the environmen­t for business.

The NZ First-inspired Provincial Growth Fund is another interventi­on gaining positive mention by business in the regions.

 ?? KEVIN STENT/STUFF ?? Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces that the Government will no longer issue new offshore oil and gas permits.
KEVIN STENT/STUFF Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces that the Government will no longer issue new offshore oil and gas permits.
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