The Press

Get an inspiring start at Selwyn House


Selwyn House offers a world-class education with a talented teaching staff and small class sizes which are set within a future-focused, nurturing environmen­t. An extensive range of educationa­l, sporting and cultural opportunit­ies are offered for girls in Years 1-8.

A supportive all-girl learning environmen­t encourages girls to take risks without fear of failure and develops their love of learning. They become confident, compassion­ate, articulate and determined young women who have the values, skills, and attributes needed to achieve their goals and make a difference in their communitie­s.

Teachers ensure girls are inspired and committed to learning as they develop their unique way of learning and achieving. The focus across Years 1-8 is on the growth of the developing girl, encompassi­ng intellectu­al, social, physical, emotional and cultural needs.

Selwyn House is committed to providing a continuum of internatio­nal education. The combinatio­n of the Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the school’s future-focused STEAM and mechatroni­cs curriculum ensures girls are equipped to face a continuall­y changing

The focus is on instilling strong foundation­s which can be successful­ly built upon.

world with confidence and enthusiasm.

The focus is on instilling strong foundation­s which can be successful­ly built upon. Core learning in reading, writing and mathematic­s is a priority. Specialist programmes in art, creative writing, leadership, mechatroni­cs, music, performing arts, physical education, science, Spanish and swimming play key roles to further enhancing learning.

Selwyn House provides each girl with a personalis­ed learning experience. Each classroom and specialist teacher has the time to foster meaningful relationsh­ips with each student.

Due to the comprehens­ive learning environmen­t, girls at Selwyn House are highly skilled, stand out among their peers and are prepared for a successful transition to secondary school.

Selwyn House’s nurturing environmen­t is apparent in all aspects of the school. In their modern and safe, familyorie­nted Boarding House, girls are supported by dedicated staff and tutors.

Girls from across New Zealand and internatio­nally fondly call the Boarding House, their ‘‘home away from home’’ and easily form a sisterhood with others.

Selwyn House believes in the strength of tradition, the promise of the future and the power of education.

❚ For more informatio­n or to schedule your personal tour of Selwyn House School, please contact Charlotte Johnson on 03 355 7299.

 ??  ?? Girls at Selwyn House are welcomed into a nurturing environmen­t filled with opportunit­ies for educationa­l, sporting and cultural success.
Girls at Selwyn House are welcomed into a nurturing environmen­t filled with opportunit­ies for educationa­l, sporting and cultural success.

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