The Press

Trump decries ‘vicious crusade’ as impeachmen­t nears


On the eve of almost-certain impeachmen­t, President Donald Trump fired off a furious letter yesterday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denouncing the ‘‘vicious crusade’’ against him, while Democrats amassed the votes they needed and Republican­s looked ahead, vowing to defend Trump at next month’s Senate trial.

Trump, who would be just the third US president to be impeached, acknowledg­ed he was powerless to stop today’s vote. He appeared to intend his lengthy, accusatory message less for Pelosi than for the broad audience of citizens – including 2020 voters – watching history unfolding on Capitol Hill.

He accused the Democrats of acting out of ‘‘Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome,’’ still smarting from their 2016 election losses. ‘‘You are the ones bringing pain and suffering to our Republic for your own selfish, personal political and partisan gain.’’

Portraying himself as a blameless victim, as he often does,

Trump compared the impeachmen­t inquiry to the ‘‘Salem Witch Trials.’’ Asked later if he bore any responsibi­lity for the proceeding­s, he said, ‘‘No, I don’t think any. Zero, to put it mildly.’’

Pelosi, who warned earlier this year against pursuing a strictly partisan impeachmen­t, nonetheles­s has the numbers to approve it. According to a tally compiled by The Associated Press, Trump is on track to be formally charged by a House majority today.

‘‘Very sadly, the facts have made clear that the president abused his power for his own personal, political benefit and that he obstructed Congress,’’ Pelosi wrote to colleagues.

‘‘In America, no-one is above the law. During this very prayerful moment in our nation’s history, we must honour our oath to support and defend our Constituti­on from all enemies, foreign and domestic.’’

No Republican­s have indicated they will support the two articles of impeachmen­t, for abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell set the partisan tone for the next step, as attention will shift to the Senate which, under the Constituti­on, is required to hold a trial on the charges. That trial is expected to begin in January.

‘‘I’m not an impartial juror,’’ McConnell declared. The Republican-majority chamber is all but sure to acquit the president.

Trump is accused of abusing

his presidenti­al power in a July phone call in which he asked the newly elected president of Ukraine, a US ally facing an aggressive Russia at its border, to ‘‘do us a favour’’ by investigat­ing Democrats, including his potential 2020 rival Joe Biden.

At the time, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was hoping for a coveted White House meeting that would bolster his standing with Ukraine’s most important ally. He also was counting on nearly $400 million (NZ$610m) in military aid Congress had approved to counter Russia. The White House had put the money on hold – as leverage, the Democrats say.

In his letter on Tuesday, Trump defended his ‘‘absolutely perfect’’ phone call that sparked the impeachmen­t inquiry. He also tried to justify anew the Ukrainian investigat­ions he wanted into Biden.

And he disputed the charges of abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress’ investigat­ion. Conceding the House vote, he said he wanted to set his words down ‘‘for the purpose of history.’’

Tens of thousands of people across the country marched in support of impeachmen­t yesterday, from a demonstrat­ion through a rainy Times Square to handfuls of activists standing vigil in small towns around the country.

Liberal groups organised more than 600 events from Alaska to Florida, following a familiar model of mass protest that has come to define the Left during the Trump administra­tion. – AP

 ?? AP ?? An anti-President Donald Trump crowd gather at a rally to protest and call for his impeachmen­t in New York yesterday.
AP An anti-President Donald Trump crowd gather at a rally to protest and call for his impeachmen­t in New York yesterday.

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