The Press

Moore makes greens see red

- Peter Griffin @petergnz

Michael Moore may be the hero of the left, but he and his film-making partner Jeff Gibbs have just dropped a bomb on the environmen­tal movement. Their new movie, Planet of the Humans, which is free to watch on YouTube, suggests the green economy many see as the answer to climate change is a house of cards.

The movie follows Gibbs, who produced Moore’s most successful documentar­ies, Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, as he takes a closer look at the technologi­es, personalit­ies and policies fuelling the green movement.

The more holes he punches in them, the more oil he finds seeping out.

We learn that most of the Tesla cars Americans are buying rely on electricit­y generated from coal or natural gas, that ‘‘clean’’ biomass plants burning wood chips actually require a lot of fossil fuel to run, and that making ethanol, as a cleaner alternativ­e to petrol, has resulted in serious deforestat­ion.

The green funds increasing­ly touting ethical investment­s are often backed by some of the world’s largest polluters, and the leaders of the environmen­talist movement, like Bill McKibben and Al Gore, are hopelessly compromise­d through their links to big business.

‘‘What if they’ve made some kind of deal they shouldn’t have made and are leading us all off the cliff?’’ asks Gibbs.

Let’s face it, we knew or suspected most of this. The US is the biggest offender when it comes to greenwashi­ng. The Covid-19 crisis has seen billions in bail-outs go to the dirtiest industries.

Our ‘‘shovel ready’’ stimulus projects focus on roads and infrastruc­ture rather than clean energy. Oil is now so cheap you have to pay people to take it away.

The recovery will be funded by cheap fossil fuels as every nation races to get back on its growth trajectory.

The situation is grim and Gibbs doesn’t have any solutions.

‘‘Less must be the new more,’’ is his glib conclusion at the end of Planet of the Humans. ‘‘And instead of climate change we must at long last accept that it is not the carbon dioxide molecule destroying the planet, it’s us.’’

There has to be a better answer and there is. The technology Gibbs writes off has actually improved a lot since he shot that documentar­y over the past decade.

Many countries, including our own, intend to be carbon neutral by the middle of the decade and are putting legislatio­n and carbon budgets in place to get us there.

We now need a serious innovation push in nextgenera­tion clean energy and in negative emissions technology that could remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere if it can be efficientl­y scaled up.

We need a more honest approach that favours evidence-based solutions over feelgood token gestures.

We are seeing the scientific world mobilising in a phenomenal way to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. Climate change will require an exponentia­lly larger response.

But it’s our only alternativ­e to walking off the cliff.

Oil is now so cheap you have to pay people to take it away.

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