The Southland Times

Paedophile stole bus to pick up kids


A registered sex offender is facing charges of theft and attempted child kidnapping after authoritie­s in Utah say he stole a school bus and drove around trying to pick up children.

Patrick Fredericks­on, 30, is accused of walking away from his landscapin­g job, stealing an SUV and driving around until he found a parked school bus. He stole that and began driving a route based on a list of names and addresses he found on the bus, authoritie­s said.

‘‘He did stop at one residence and tried to pick up a young child. The father intercepte­d that and he (Fredericks­on) went on down the road at which time he met a person and asked for another address,’’ Emery County Sheriff’s Lt Gayle Jensen told Fox13.

‘‘She was very suspicious about that so she called that in and at that point we responded.’’

Fredericks­on was arrested on Monday and charged with two counts of theft of a vehicle, attempted child kidnapping and damaging a jail. After Fredericks­on was booked he broke a water pipe, flooding his cell and offices.

Fredericks­on was placed on the state’s Sex Offender Registry after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual activity with a minor in 2004.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that in 2006 Fredericks­on apparently stole a badge and posed as a firefighte­r.

 ??  ?? Patrick Fredericks­on
Patrick Fredericks­on

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