The Southland Times

Singing their praises

- RL Hansen Alexandra Garry and Natalie (The Aussies) M Cave Manapouri

I feel for you Nonu. On a resent bike ride on the West Coast Wilderness Trail my wife and I met a rider from the Lumsden area, and he was telling us that Fish and Game New Zealand have a court action against the Southland District Council.

If this is the case, we would like to add to the support of the Fish and Game New Zealand Council withdrawin­g its action against the Southland District Council.

We spend six months a year in New Zealand travelling in our New Zealand-purchased motorhome.

We often hold New Zealand as the best example of cycling trails and great fishing, and think Australia (our home country) could learn a lot from you guys.

We enjoy your fishing, cycling and love of the outdoor family life.

Please don’t let one government department bully others just because of an embarrassi­ng problem — didymo.

It is a problem we believe they are fighting to control, but showing the problem will only be a help to them for public support and show some neglectful fishermen what can happen if they are not careful and respectful of what this country does offer, and what they can lose if not proactive in helping preserve what New Zealand has.

Come on Fish and Game Council New Zealand, show what’s happening, warts and all.

Get people behind you and gain support, don’t try and hide it.

Abridged, Editor Our heroes have been properly sung in the New Years honours list.

In no way suggesting that list be enhanced, neverthele­ss I wish to sing praise of three groups of selfless and energetic people who unstinting­ly beaver away for my benefit.

In no particular order I first mention those who take up the burden to speak on my behalf without bothering me for permission or troubling me whatsoever as to what I may think.

Not only do these good folk speak for me now, I know they spoke for me before I was born and will undoubtabl­y continue to do so after I am dead.

Secondly I give heartfelt thanks to the experts, overseas experts and their New Zealand agents for the freely given advice without which I wouldn’t know how to dress, what to eat , what to think, do or function.

And lastly those people who tirelessly campaign to protect me from myself, taxing, fining incriminat­ing any behaviour I might indulge in that may imperil my being, and without whose efforts I would descend into financial, physical, mental and emotional decay.

And thank you for looking after my soul. Keep up the good work in 2016. I need you one and all.

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