The Southland Times

Humans: travellers from far galaxies


UNITED STATES: The idea of finding extraterre­strial life on another planet, in a distant solar system or in a faraway galaxy, has long captured the imaginatio­n of humans.

But now scientists have discovered that we are all actually part-alien. According to US astrophysi­cists up to half of all matter in our Milky Way galaxy comes from distant areas in space, driven here on interstell­ar winds created when stars explode in spectacula­r supernovae.

When Carl Sagan, the late American astrophysi­cist, made his well-known comment that ‘‘we are made of star-stuff’’ he meant that all the elements on Earth were once produced in the heart of stars before being flung out into the universe in giant explosions.

But it was previously thought that those explosions occurred within Milky Way. Now scientists suspect each one of us is made, in part, from matter created when suns exploded in distant galaxies.

‘‘Given how much of the matter out of which we are formed may have come from other galaxies, we could consider ourselves space travellers or extragalac­tic immigrants,’’ said Dr Daniel Angles-Alcezar, of Northweste­rn University’s astrophysi­cs centre, who led the study.

‘‘It is likely that much of the Milky Way’s matter was in other galaxies before it was kicked out by a powerful wind, travelled across intergalac­tic space and eventually found its new home in the Milky Way.’’

Supernovae explosions cause atoms to be transporte­d from one galaxy to another via galactic winds. Galaxies are so far apart from each other that the process takes several billion years.

- Telegraph Group

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