The Southland Times

$1m funds confirmed to study lake snot


Lake snot, lake snow, lake slime: anyway you say it, it’s the same stuff and Landcare Research scientists have just won $1 million to do more research on it.

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s funding announceme­nt for a Lake Snot Tool Box on Wednesday came on top of the release of an Otago Regional Council-commission­ed study by Landcare Research scientist Dr Phil Novis and colleagues on the DNA of lake snot.

Novis et al found the genetic source of Lindavia intermedia (the algae responsibl­e for creating the lake snot mucous) is highly likely to be from outside New Zealand, though it is not clear how it got here.

It backs up what Otago University Scientist Marc Schallenbe­rg reported in June 2016: the floating mucous in Lake Wanaka was similar to an overseas slime in Lake Youngs, near the Washington, US city of Seattle.

Otago Regional Council technical committee chairman Andrew Noone is keen for a multi-agency national project that can work on potential solutions and minimise the effects of the mucous.

He was unaware of Landcare Research’s successful applicatio­n to the ministry’s 2017 Endeavour Round until contacted by Stuff.

‘‘I am ecstatic for the community. This has been hovering around for quite some time, [people asking] ’’what is it, what do we do’’.

‘‘Now our stars are lining up. There has been frustratio­n in the community but now we are starting to get some traction,’’ Noone said.

Lake snot causes problems with recreation and water supply in lakes in New Zealand and around the world.

It fouls boat motors, clogs water filters, sticks to skin and clings to fishing line.

Filtering the organism could cost councils and ratepayers millions.

The council commission­ed Landcare Research to do genetic tests of lake snow samples after a multi-agency expert workshop in Wanaka in 2016.

Landcare Research found that specimens from Lake Youngs and all NZ lakes were identical in more than one respect.

Noone said now more was known about the genetics of lake snot, a more intensive research programme could get under way to understand the diatom and work towards potential solutions.

’’We know that lake snow has been causing ongoing concerns across New Zealand, and particular­ly that there are frustratio­ns about this in our own backyard in affected areas in the Otago region.’’

‘‘Whilst lake snow is clearly a nuisance to lake users, I want to be very clear that water quality in our lakes is excellent and this species is not harmful to human health,’’ Noone said.

The council has been liaising with key stakeholde­rs and the Ministry of Primary Industry on the Landcare Research report findings.

‘‘Our council feels strongly that this is an issue that needs to be tackled nationally with our key partners,’’ he said.

The report prepared for the regional council was the first in a series of studies on lake snow, including its origins, dominance, effective sampling and monitoring.

The regional council will present the report at a public meeting in Wanaka on October 4.

 ?? MARJORIE COOK ?? Lake snot in Lake Wanaka.
MARJORIE COOK Lake snot in Lake Wanaka.

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