The Southland Times

Scientists turn ‘ashes’ into gold


Scientists who developed a golden kiwifruit after the discovery of the vine-killing kiwifruit disease Psa have won the Prime Minister’s Science Prize.

The 100-strong Plant & Food Research team which included plant pathologis­ts, breeders and orchard management specialist­s were mobilised when Psa was discovered in November 2010.

Initially, the team worked with kiwifruit leaders to contain the disease’s spread by developing new orchard management techniques. The science team developed diagnostic tests to help growers make management decisions and identified agrichemic­als that could protect vines against the disease.

They discovered that the Gold 3 variety, known as SunGold was tolerant of the disease. Nearly eight years later, the industry has recovered with 48 million trays of SunGold sold last season, with an export value of $686 million.

The prize includes a $500,000 fund which will be used to establish New Zealand as a hub for bio-protection technologi­es and develop new science to protect plants against biosecurit­y threats. Plant & Food Research’s chief operating officer Dr Bruce Campbell said the prize demonstrat­ed the importance of the team’s work to New Zealand.

‘‘It was an incredibly stressful time for our scientists, not only in terms of how fast the scientific process was having to deliver answers, but also the emotional impact the disease was having on their friends and neighbours. I’m incredibly proud of how the Plant & Food Research team responded.’’

Identifyin­g a new cultivar was complex because it had to meet grower requiremen­ts as well as consumer demands for taste. ‘‘We screened hundreds of plants to make sure Gold3 was the best option for the industry, we really didn’t want to get that wrong.’’

Horticultu­re New Zealand chief executive Mike Chapman said the team was a deserving recipient of the prize because the discovery of Psa could have meant the end of the kiwifruit industry. Instead, experts developed Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit. He said the discovery showed the value of science and research in the horticultu­re industry.

‘‘The fact that in New Zealand we have such brilliant scientists that can turn the potential collapse of an industry into it rising from the ashes to be better than ever before is something we should not only be proud of, but something we should invest more money into.’’

 ??  ?? Scientists discovered that SunGold kiwifruit was resistant to Psa disease.
Scientists discovered that SunGold kiwifruit was resistant to Psa disease.

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