The Southland Times

Rugby a big hit with Seahawks NFL star


Super Bowl-winning Seattle Seahawks NFL star Michael Bennett loves watching rugby – and not just because he admires the toughness of a code that eschews helmets and pads, and plays through the pain barrier.

Bennett, who attended the Blues’ training session in Auckland yesterday while in the city on holiday, spoke glowingly of not just his admiration for the sport of rugby and its finest practition­ers, the All Blacks, but also the important lessons it offers NFL players.

So many of New Zealand’s profession­al rugby fraternity closely follow the NFL, and identify with the sport intrinsica­lly as a fellow power code with an array of super-sized athletes. But it turns out that appreciati­on is a two-way street.

Bennett, a 10-year NFL veteran, mixed with the Blues players early in their first major training session of the week leading into Friday’s Super Rugby season opener against the Highlander­s in Dunedin, and told them he takes a lot from their sport into his life as a defensive end for the Seahawks in the National Football League.

‘‘We learn so much from you guys as far as being able to be better defenders in the NFL,’’ Bennett told the Blues players before getting pictures taken with them and head coach Tana Umaga whom he spoke with at length during the session.

Later he said rugby offered plenty of lessons even for a player of his calibre, with his Super Bowl ring (from 2014) and three Pro Bowl appearance­s.

‘‘We watch it to learn how to tackle better, be better defenders, be better trackers and everybody in rugby is so tough, the way they play through injuries, the way they are able to bounce back every week after every game.

‘‘We look up to them for inspiratio­n, to be able to be tougher players and better defenders. Some of our best defenders, like Kam Chancellor and Earl Thomas [at the Seahawks], we’re known for our tackling. We call it Seahawk tackling, but it’s just rugby tackling.

‘‘We’re learning how to do those great things they do out there and try and limit our concussion­s and our injuries. Both sports have a problem with concussion­s right now, and everybody is trying to find a way to keep the integrity of the sport, but also to protect the players and the young people who are playing the sport.’’

Asked about the particular rugby techniques he studies, Bennett nominated the ‘‘tracking’’ used in making a successful tackle.

‘‘Being able to track and to take our heads out of the tackle. When you put a helmet on you think of yourself as invincible, but to be able to know your head’s there and be able to tackle with your shoulders and roll with your tackle, that’s what we’re learning in trying to be the best tacklers and keep from having those injuries.’’

The 32-year-old, who isn’t sure whether he will be resigned by the Seahawks next season, is on his first visit to New Zealand. His wife, Pele, who is of Samoan descent, has family in both Auckland and Wellington.

‘‘I’ve always wanted to come. I love the culture, I love Auckland which reminds me a lot of Seattle, and I love how everybody is super nice here. I’ve been able to meet my wife’s family and I’ve been welcomed with open arms. Everybody here is so nice, it’s just a really great place.’’

Looking around the Blues training session, Bennett recognised a familiar style of athlete.

‘‘There are so many people who could be in the NFL. I see a lot of running backs, a lot of linebacker­s, a lot of defensive ends ... there are a lot of fast guys who, if they knew the techniques, could be stars of the NFL just like they’re stars here.’’

And, yes, he very much takes an interest in the All Blacks as part of his rugby study.

‘‘We try to figure out how they do all the things they do. The guys have got their ears all messed up and stuff, and I’m like ‘man, they look like they’re doing MMA out there’. It’s fun to watch the guys and see how tough they are. I’m like ‘wow, that’s a big hit. I don’t know how the guy is going to get back up.’ And then he does it again. It’s just amazing.’’

 ?? WILLIAM BOOTH/PHOTOSPORT ?? NFL star Michael Bennett checks out his new Blues jersey with coach Tana Umaga.
WILLIAM BOOTH/PHOTOSPORT NFL star Michael Bennett checks out his new Blues jersey with coach Tana Umaga.

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