The Southland Times




1. It may be square in its applicatio­n to an infant (5)

4. Array of colours, as chased by a visionary (7)

8. It may be an election fight that’s old-hat (5-8)

10. Kept on the subject of how one was living (5)

11. Fellow-fighter will give everything, at the end of the day (4)

12. Night out with the boys to play the market? (4)

16. Tug he has a classical greeting from (5)

17. They may be crossings of cross intent, that is (13)

19. There are no such provisos attached to a brass band (7)

20. Enigmatic depiction included in future business (5)


1. Those of different lands with Latin ties Iona changes (13)

2. At which, even sale can be made (3)

3. Gives up with the Southeast idly turning to it (6)

4. Disturbed the peace in order to ride around (6)

5. Get one in so as to light it (6)

6. In the saloon, a remote sort of glass (9)

7. They have been invited to celebrate a match (7,6)

9. The tax-man is one who will get a lot together (9)

13. In French, a rondeau written about the ferryman of the Styx (6)

14. Scares resulting from a loving touch (6)

15. It is an improved sort of punter (6)

18. In short, brother turns up the mound in the regalia (3)

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