The Southland Times

Reo app offers instant translatio­n

- Susan Edmunds

If your goal for this year’s Te Wiki o te Reo Ma¯ ori has been to incorporat­e a few new words into your vocabulary, help is at hand.

There are a range of apps designed to help speakers of all levels – whether you’re expanding a basic vocabulary or wanting to finesse existing knowledge.


Spark launched its offering, Kupu, this week. It’s an interactiv­e mobile app powered by Google that offers users instant Ma¯ ori translatio­ns of the objects around them. Users take a picture and Kupu uses image recognitio­n to identify what the object is, and provide a written and spoken te reo Ma¯ ori alternativ­e. The app is available free on Google Play and the App store.

It’s really impressive and a bit addictive. Taking a photo of my canine workmate, it offered ‘‘dog’’ but also ‘‘snout’’, ‘‘whiskers’’, ‘‘fur’’ and ‘‘puppy’’.

‘‘We see the Ma¯ ori language and culture as special and unique to New Zealand, so we want to play a small role in helping te reo Ma¯ ori prosper through the use of digital platforms,’’ said Lisa Paraku, Spark business manager – Ma¯ ori.

He aha te¯ nei?

Aimed at kids with basic reading ability, He aha te¯ nei is an interactiv­e game. Users match parts of a word to complete it, then hear it pronounced by cute children’s voices.


Aki (which means to encourage) is a free Ma¯ ori language vocabulary and phrase-learning app for iPhones and iPads, that involves participan­ts in an interactiv­e game. Its aim is to develop Ma¯ ori language skills, particular­ly in young people.

It was developed out of a research project looking at how Dunedin families pass the language on to their children. It also offers a dictionary option.

Tipu Te Reo Ma¯ ori

This app asks questions so users can check their vocabulary, and offers answers if you need it. It guides users through Ma¯ ori grammar, starting with basic nouns.

Kia Ora Te Reo Ma¯ ori

Handy if you want to check pronunciat­ion of phrases, although the range is limited.

Te Reo Ma¯ ori

Unlike the others, AUT’s dictionary app is not free but is worth its $5.99 download price. It offers definition­s as well as informatio­n about New Zealand native plants and animals, important people and cultural references.

 ??  ?? Spark’s Kupu app allows users to take a photo when they want a translatio­n.
Spark’s Kupu app allows users to take a photo when they want a translatio­n.
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