The Southland Times

Chinese plant


Southland mayors Shadbolt, Hicks and Tong all agreed in shutting the Southland museum, and yet up the road at McNab they’ve gone all weak at the knees over a milk powder plant. Chinese history in the making; what a fateful coincidenc­e.

Money talks and whosever baby this is, it had to get what it wanted. A stainless steel shrine, protruding and superimpos­ing itself on the landscape; a spoilt brat with silver spoon syndrome. Perhaps a new sign for Gore could read, ‘‘Bread basket of China’’.

1. What model of plane has been in service since 1967 and is the biggestsel­ling commercial airliner made?

2. Who administer­s the oath of office to incoming US presidents?

3. What acid is responsibl­e for the tart taste of rhubarb and unripe apples?

4. What New Zealand netball star recently signed with the Adelaide Thunderbir­ds?

5. In the Rocky movies, what was the surname of the title character?

6. What English actor’s career has included Shakespear­e, Hollywood fantasy blockbuste­rs and appearance­s as Widow Twankey in Christmas pantomimes?

7. Only German forces used poison gas during World War One – true or false?

8. What high-profile American has the second name Hussein?

9. What river in the north-west of the South Island is named after a 19th century artist, soldier and explorer?

10. What yet-to-be-filled government job has the initials CTO? Sell your possession­s and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Luke 12: 33-34

James Smith

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