The Southland Times

Walker expresses concerns about new farming rules

- Ben Bootsma

Clutha-Southland MP Hamish Walker has written to Environmen­t Minister David Parker expressing concerns about his new blueprint to improve freshwater.

Earlier this month, Parker announced a raft of rule changes to address water quality, including action and investment in at-risk catchment areas, a new National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management by 2020, new National Environmen­tal Standard for Freshwater Management and also amendments to the Resource Management Act within the next 12 months to review consents in order to more quickly implement water quality and quantity limits.

Other changes included strengthen­ing enforcemen­t tools for improving environmen­tal compliance and making decisions on how to manage allocation of nutrient discharges.

Walker said there were two areas of concern that have been continuous­ly raised with him by members of the public. They were what the Government’s blueprint to improve freshwater quality means for intensive winter grazing, and what it means for the Southland Water and Land Plan.

‘‘Intensive winter grazing is a vital practice used in Clutha-Southland by farmers,’’ Walker said.

‘‘Without it, there would be serious repercussi­ons for the area and as a flow-on effect our rural towns, such as Gore, Winton and Lumsden.’’

Walker said farmers have made dramatic improvemen­ts in how they graze stock, including the fencing of waterways, the buffer zones around critical source areas and grazing crops strategica­lly.

A spokespers­on at Parker’s office said he was in Canada and was unable to respond to Walker’s letter until after he returns on Sunday.

Walker said the other concern was what the changes meant for the Southland Water and Land Plan.

‘‘There has been a lot of time and money invested into this plan by both the council and farmers in the region and this new blueprint raises serious questions about whether this plan is now null and void.’’

However, Environmen­t Southland chief executive Rob Phillips said there were not yet any further details relating to the Minister’s announceme­nt and while this was cause for some concern, it appeared as though the council is heading in the right direction, which has been to address activities that are a high risk to water quality.

‘‘All the work and community input that has gone into developing the proposed Southland Water and Land Plan means we are well placed to address issues such as winter grazing.

‘‘It will be important for us to get alongside officials to ensure this work is recognised and utilised through the Government’s processes.’’

 ??  ?? Environmen­t Minister David Parker.
Environmen­t Minister David Parker.
 ??  ?? Clutha-Southland MP Hamish Walker.
Clutha-Southland MP Hamish Walker.

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