The Southland Times




1. Police trap for criminals isn’t upsetting gang-leader (5)

4. In advance prepare area for the ulna and radius (7)

8. Nice way to say farewell? (5)

9. As generous as a Whig’s successor (7)

10. Place a selling option on the Stock Exchange (3)

11. It takes somebody thick to obstruct the principal (9)

12. It works with the pinion, and it’s torture (4)

13. Linen, if it’s not bleached, can be put back in your cellar (4)

18. Where pupils are taught to make arrangemen­t with space (9)

20. On which one may be wrestling with a computer mouse (3)

21. Modulate the voice for first client maybe (7)

22. Credit one gets with post-viral syndrome is a felony (5)

23. Geometric figure used to sell pie in such a way (7)

24. Was 15 variety of pelts (5)


1. Perhaps harps on rehearsal of unscrupulo­us dealing (5,8)

2. Ridiculous way to do it in one in charge (7)

3. Food that gets by though it’s not clean (6)

4. A chap who took a tumble with a cry of pain (6)

5. A stern reproof as to beer distributi­on around Britain (6)

6. One will do well to get on together (5)

7. Monsieur just meant lad to change psychologi­cal condition (13)

14. Make a list of the first of the Metropolit­an Police (7)

15. When off pal, see the difference (6)

16. The courage it takes to preserve something in jars (6)

17. It tastes of chastiseme­nt (6)

19. Uranium, flaw in which can be terrible (5) YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION

Across: 1. Wind machine 8. Kudos 9. Deprive 10. Faience

11. Stork 12. Lights 14. Gossip 18. Wages 19. Replica

21. Amphora 23. Pagan 24. Shepherdes­s

Down: 1. Wakeful 2. Nudging 3. Mason 4. Cadger 5. Impasto

6. Eli 7. Break 13. Tussore 15. Shingle 16. Plaints 17. Preach

18. Wears 20. Piper 22. Pus

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