The Southland Times

Double ohhh shevven


‘‘Shaken not stirred’’ has become a worldwide quote since the Ian Fleming books of the late 1950s and films of the early 1960s, and is accepted on face value.

So why would anyone want to discredit it or its source?

A study undertaken by an Otago University professor, who must have had little to do, reports on the excess drinking habits of James Bond.

Who pays for such garbage? This Government’s spending is under more pressure than anyone could ever imagine and yet some of these highly paid employees are frittering away their valuable the time chasing rainbows attached to a fictional character.

I recall working for a year with a highly qualified chemist who was prone to doing experiment­al tests just to fill in time and writing long reports just to justify his existence. I believe this report is along the same lines.

Well pardon me for being a peasant pastry cook who cannot quite see the point in such an exercise. Would this professor and his staff not be better employed in manning a food bank or soup kitchen or the like, if they have that much time to fill in?

Losing the tax on their hourly work rate (which could be more than the minimum wage) would be a waste, but no more than at the present time

Jim Fish

Abridged –

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