The Southland Times

Push for gun law reform is disgracefu­l politickin­g


Our politician­s and mainstream media are a disgrace. Using the tragic events in Christchur­ch as a political platform by sensationa­lising the event to make gun law reforms is a complete disgrace, and our politician­s and mainstream media should apologise to the victims. It’s disgusting to use a tragedy to push through a political agenda.

The Government plans to penalise all law-abiding licensed firearms owners in New Zealand because of the actions of a non-New Zealander. Welcome to the New World Disorder where ideology prevails over common sense. This is nothing more than a political ploy to arm the police.

It is rather interestin­g that some men with guns got all the publicity, and yet the bombs that were the most destructiv­e weapons were passed over as if they were almost insignific­ant.

Should the Government change the law to prevent the ownership of military-type guns, the concern is that some private gun owners, having spent lots of money on those guns, may hide them or sell them to any person. That is exactly what happened in Australia and their gun crime went up.

Gun reforms were on their way in Australia anyway, but unfortunat­ely they were focused on pistol grip and guns with automatic actions and a capacity of more than five shots.

How about the police and the Government use the facilities they already have under the terrorism legislatio­n on these types and kinds of threats?

Taking out semi-automatic and military-type weapons is not a logical solution. It just distracts from all options and the order of precaution­ary measures and strategies.

Graham Carter (abridged – Editor)

This is nothing more than a political ploy to arm the police.

But then what else would you expect of a party that lowered income tax for high earners when it came to power, while raising GST?

The headlines show that the real ‘‘massive impact on those living in Southland’’ is inequality, and a closing-off of opportunit­y in our previous Fair Go society. New Zealand home ownership is at its lowest ever level, and those who could have bought a house under previous Labour government­s are now forever locked out of home ownership, and consigned to renting under rapacious landlords.

The latter wail about finally having to spend money on upgrading their damp and cold properties, instead of buying yet another. That is the reality check given to Dean by those recent headlines.

The middle classes with money who remain are exacerbati­ng the problem by buying rentals to ensure their future equity. Understand­able without a capital gains tax, but the widening of inequality in a nutshell.

Dean, like all National MPs, rails against attacks on middle-class Kiwis when they have been decimated in numbers by National. The ‘‘middle’’ that Dean talks about has been reduced as New Zealand home ownership plunged under the raging house prices that resulted from a lack of capital gains tax, and encouragem­ent of foreign property speculatio­n under National.

The Labour-led coalition has stopped the latter and is trying to address the former.

Bronwyn Turner

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